Ernie The Dog - he had an eye for an ear!
Yes Ernie the Dog had no idea, he's Australian by the way, that one day he would end up running around his masters farm on the ears of the very livestock who's ears he had so often tried to nip; not when the boss is looking mind you.
So now he's a permanent ear fixture on the farm which maybe probably brings a wry smile to his face, who knows.
It all came about through and blame can be laid directly at the feet of one Gary Leader who owns and operates Electro-Tek; a Palmerston North based livestock marking tool and equipment manufacturer.
Gary and his team cast an outline of Ernie in steel to form the cutting edge. This is a prime example of the precision and skill that goes into the manufacturer of earmarking equipment. A skill passed down since 1923 when Electro-Tek first went into business.
You can find out a little more about Electro-Tek through
By the way Ernies owner is happy, Gary is as enthusiastic and as for Ernie he's none the wiser really.