Conserve water to avoid restrictions

Friday 30 November 2007, 2:20PM

By Hastings District Council



Hastings residents are being encouraged to conserve water as the summer heat takes hold, to avoid official restrictions in the coming months.

Dylan Stuijt, Hastings District Council’s Water Supply Manager, said a few simple steps could ensure water consumption was kept low enough to avoid restrictions.

“Gardens are one of the main areas where water can be wasted if you are not careful about how you use it. If every household turned on a garden hose for one hour a day, 55 million extra litres of water would be used which is almost double our daily winter use.”

Mr Stuijt said hand-held watering attachments or watering cans were better than sprinklers as water can be directed just where it is needed.

Timing is important too – water gardens in the evening or early morning, to give the water a chance to soak into the ground instead of evaporating in the heat of the day