Queenstown company hosts Young Landscaper awards

Tuesday 25 June 2013, 2:48PM

By Southern Public Relations


The 2013 City Parks Services Young Landscaper of the Year finalists – L to R Blair Chicken, David van Heeswyck, judge Neven Millar and Sam Bottema– at Southern Landmarx' Burn Cottage Nursery.
The 2013 City Parks Services Young Landscaper of the Year finalists – L to R Blair Chicken, David van Heeswyck, judge Neven Millar and Sam Bottema– at Southern Landmarx' Burn Cottage Nursery. Credit: Southern Landmarx Ltd


Queenstown-based landscaping company Southern Landmarx is playing a key role in the annual national landscaping industry conference being held in Queenstown this week.

The award-winning company is hosting the practical component of Landscaping New Zealand's City Parks Services Young Landscaper of the Year competition.

This year’s three finalists – Blair Chicken, Sam Bottema and David van Heeswyck – demonstrated their ‘green finger’ skills at Southern Landmarx’ Burn Cottage Nursery today (Tuesday June 25), the perfect facility for running through paving, pruning and construction, plant identification and first aid. Placemakers Cromwell has provided materials for the event.

Later in the week the three will present a speech to conference delegates before the eventual winner is announced.

Last year Southern Landmarx employee Andrew Rae took out the 2012 Young Landscaper of the Year and will hand on the title to this year’s winner at the end of the Landscaping New Zealand (LIANZ) and Nursery and Garden Industry of New Zealand (NGINZ) joint Conference Gala Awards Dinner on Thursday night (27 June 2013) at Rydges Lakeland Resort Queenstown.

The winner will go on to represent Landscaping New Zealand in the Young Horticulturist of the Year competition later this year.

Southern Landmarx managing director Joe Nutting said it was “fantastic” to be able to support the conference and support the industry showcase in the resort town.

“With a past winner, the only association member in Queenstown and with our ‘on-the-ground’ knowledge, we’ve been delighted to play host to this event and help out with the conference,” he said.

Landscaping New Zealand President Wayne Butson said the association was very grateful for Southern Landmarx’ support.

“During the planning phase it was immensely beneficial to be able to contact Southern Landmarx for guidance and assistance in the Queenstown region,” he said.

“It is great to have a member in the local area to host the competition for us and we feel very fortunate and delighted that they hosted the Young Landscaper of the Year competition at their nursery.”

Mr Nutting said Southern Landmarx was proud and pleased to have the opportunity to provide the facilities that have made hosting the joint conference in Queenstown so much easier.

“Burn Cottage Nursery is the ideal facility to accommodate this event,” he said.

“It has extensive planting areas, space for delegates and ease of access to suit the requirements of the judging process.”

Mr Nutting said membership of Landscaping New Zealand had been hugely beneficial to the company.

“It’s great being part of an accredited network and equally being able to bring industry leaders and national businesses to Queenstown to enjoy the local hospitality and scenery,” he said.

“For our many clients, it’s a sign that we meet and exceed certain professional standards.”

The company is currently carrying out soft and hard landscaping work for the new ABL-constructed GWD building in Frankton, the upcoming accommodation building for the Southern Institute of Technology, a number of Millbrook projects, plus several high-end homes around the Wakatipu region.

Landscaping New Zealand’s Young Landscaper of the Year competition is for people under 30 who are employed in the landscape industry.

For more information about Southern Landmarx, go to: