Cost-sharing plans needed for Auckland infrastructure

Business NZ

Friday 28 June 2013, 3:00PM

By Business NZ



Business is in favour of an integrated, long-term approach to developing major city infrastructure, says BusinessNZ.

BusinessNZ Chief Executive Phil O’Reilly says Government proposals announced today for road, rail and tunnel infrastructure for greater Auckland will help address the congestion that is a huge productivity cost to New Zealand, and will bring greater certainty for future business planning. 

“As the country’s major business centre, Auckland has significant transport needs that are best addressed in a coordinated way between central and local government and the private sector.

“Business looks forward to participating in discussion on how infrastructure costs can be shared between the Government and Auckland Council and how market-based approaches such as public-private partnerships and tolling may also be used to reduce the burden on taxpayers and ratepayers.

“A transparent discussion on cost-sharing and private sector involvement is needed now,” Mr O’Reilly said.