To all you good Otago folk

Tuesday 6 August 2013, 12:14PM

By The PR Shop


Past work achieved with the Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Trust.
Past work achieved with the Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Trust. Credit: The PR Shop


We all love a name change, Cordazer Broadus to Snoop Dogg, Jeff Wilson to Goldie, Prince to the Artist Formally known as Prince, it keeps us on our toes.

The Speight’s Brewery Environment Fund is no different, and will now simply be known as the Speight’s Fund. Okay, so it’s a not a major, but there are some changes under this new name change.

The Speight’s Fund (it feels right doesn’t it?) will be changing its geographical pool from Dunedin to Otago, and will now also consider applications for research or educational purposes that relate to the Otago environment.

The reasoning behind this switch is to better reflect the Otago region as a whole.

The Speight’s Fund has a strong sense of pride in looking after its home region, and wants to support Otago locals who wish to do the same.

Previous recipients have used the funding to restore streams, control possums and protect our little piece of paradise.

The Speight’s Fund will be officially re-launched at Otago’s first ITM Cup match at Forsyth Bar Stadium on Sunday the 18th of August. The lads might be sporting a slightly different look, keep your eyes peeled.

Entries will open the following day and will close on 30th of September.

“If you have a project that you think fits, we’d love to hear from you, you never know, this could be the boost you need,” says Chris Snow, Speight’s Brewery Tour Manager.

“It’s always hugely exciting and rewarding to see the great work that recipients of The Speight’s Fund do for the region. This year we would love to give away as much as possible so we can make an ever bigger impact than years gone by,” adds Nigel Smith, Convenor of Judges.

So if you’re a good bugger doing some pretty special work with the environment in Otago, or know someone who is, make sure you get your entries in. For further information and to apply for a Speight’s Fund grant please visit: