Scared parents 'need reassurance' from Fonterra outbreak - parents

Wednesday 7 August 2013, 2:08PM

By NP Linked Taranaki


EXCLUSIVE: went out on a mission finding twenty parents (25 mums, 15 dads) and asked them how Fonterra has effected their lifestyles.

The parents interviewed are effected by the recalled products. 

First we start off our exclusive coverage in Taranaki on a farm where Mary (mum) and David (dad) both aged 32 want reassurance that there new born will be alright.

"It is a scary situation" says Mary Tavolock, 32.

"We both want whats best for our baby, its a terrifying situation. We dont know if our baby Michael is effected by the outbreak" 

"I am not normally a crier, but when I heard about the whole issue and how severe it could be, I was very frightened. I had no reassurance and the managing director stuffed up on tv saying all karicare products were effected which just added to the confusion. I am lucky to have David, he is supporting me" says Mary.

"I believe she is worrying too much, but she needed a hug when the recall was published, she was crying, saying she was a bad mum even though it wasnt even her fault. Me being dad I had to reassure her that everything would be alright, even though we had no reassurance from the company its self. Its a scary situation but we will be alright. says Dad David Tavolock.


Meanwhile in Auckland Sarah who wants to remain anonoymus just wants to 'know the facts, not rubbish'.

"Its a stupid situation Fonterra have put us mum and dads in, they've known for a little while now. All we want is the facts, not tv mess ups, or 'i dont know right now' awnsers. We want facts, we deserve facts." she said.

"I just want to know that my one year old daughter will be alright, I dont care about the company, quite frankly they need a wake up call, they shouldnt be worrying about international markets and how the dairy indistry will be effected, but by making sure that our children, our future will be ok." she added.

The above is just the extent of the damage caused by Fonterra, and its obvious all parents want is to know if there children will be alright so we went off again, calling up Fonterras head office in Auckland to find awnsers. 

When we called Fonterra, we were told after telling them what parents wanted was awnsers, they said "We are at the moment on a market fix making sure the economy will not be heavily effected by this issue" then before giving us time to reply, Fonterra hanged up. 

"So in other words, Fonterra does not know and no assurance can be given because 'its already contaminated'." Christchurch resident Mark Ranams said. 


It isnt just New Zealand effected by this, another eight countries are effected including China where state owned media has said New Zealands '100% Pure' slogan is "wrong, miserable and stuffed up".

The New Zealand embassy in China confirmed yesterday that not only is Stage One, and Two effected by the outbreak, but also Stage 3, which is being recalled. 


Add your comments below on what you think about the whole situation and also what do you think about Fonterra and how they are dealing with the situation.