Media PA

Thursday 15 August 2013, 3:46PM

By Media PA


Have you heard the expression “The Pig in the Python” and wondered what this is all about?
This expression is commonly used to explain how the baby boomers have created a large bulge in our population and have been moving along and creating problems and opportunities ever since.
This population lump has been described as a pig being swallowed by a python - the lump moving along year by year.
So you may ask “what does this have to do with business and business sales”? 
Last year the oldest members of the Baby Boom Generation turned 65.  All of their lives these people, born between 1946 and 1964, have distorted everything they came across: swelling schools, then High schools, then the workforce.
Now as they move into retirement we have to wonder what havoc they will wreak next and how will this affect you?
It is well understood that the largest chunk of businesses in New Zealand are owned by the boomers and even though most will not be looking to retire at 65, there will become a time when they will be ready to sell. The question on everyone’s mind is, “Are there going to be enough buyers”? “Where are these buyers going to come from”? and “Will the selling price be high enough to create a stress free retirement”?
Now if you are one of these baby boomers that owns a business, you will need to plan for this day (selling your business), if you don’t you may find it far harder to sell than you expected.