Internet Party fans from Taranaki could be up for a treat

Saturday 28 June 2014, 5:12PM

By Community Taranaki



BREAKING NEWS: New Plymouth Internet Party fans might be getting a large surprize soon, as New Plymouth Youth in Politics are preparing to create the first ever New Plymouth City #InternetParty function.

The function which is currently being prepared and planned is to be run by a group of Taranaki youngsters who are keen about getting more young people engaged in politics this year.

New Plymouth Youth in Politics owner Michael Riley says "This is something exciting that is in planning stage at the moment. As the planning comes together more, we're hoping to invite all Internet Party candidates to New Plymouth for the function.

New Plymouth Youth in Politics Spokesperson Luke Sampson told a Daily News reporter today that they're looking for people both young and adult aged to come to the page and help out with the planning.

"It's important that the event is run properly and to do this we will need members of the public to help" he said.

New Plymouth Youth in Politics are currently asking for members of the public to come forward for support and help for the event.

Editor comment: This is breaking news, are currently trying to get more infomation from New Plymouth Youth in Politics