Dame Malvina urges shoppers to drop the pressure

Monday 29 September 2014, 3:35PM

By Rotary Club of Fairfield


Dame Malvina urges shoppers to drop the pressure
Dame Malvina urges shoppers to drop the pressure Credit: Rotary Club of Fairfield


Dame Malvina Major lends a hand to launch the Stroke Foundation’s 2014 blood pressure awareness campaign in Hamilton by having her blood pressure tested by St John paramedic Adrian Gavin at Te Rapa New World in Hamilton.

Fairfield Rotary club are gearing up to help give free blood pressure tests to more people than ever before in the Stroke Foundation’s annual blood pressure awareness day on Saturday 4 October between 10.00am and 2.00pm.

With almost every New World and PAK’nSAVE supermarket in New Zealand taking part on Saturday, last year’s record of 22,000 shoppers tested or given information looks set to be broken. The free tests are available between 10am and 2pm as part of the Stroke Foundation’s campaign to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke.

Fairfield Rotary Club President Michael Cahill says his organisation is delighted to support the campaign with rotary volunteers helping the St John paramedics carry out the tests on the day.

“This is a good opportunity for Hamilton people to have a quick, simple and painless check,” he says.
“It can be hard to make the time for something as simple as a blood pressure check, or we just don’t think about it, and yet, it could end up saving our lives.  So many people with high blood pressure probably don’t even know they have it.

“Rotary works for the community and part of that involves supporting people to stay healthy, so we’d really encourage you to come along on Saturday for a free test.”
Mr Cahill says information about blood pressure and other risk factors for stroke will be provided during the check, and people with raised blood pressure will be referred to their GPs for medical advice and treatment.

“The big thing is to know what your blood pressure should be, have it checked regularly, and remember that the lower your blood pressure the less likely you are to have a stroke.”

To find their nearest participating supermarket or other venue shoppers can go to