New Art, Craft & Design School to open in Tauranga

Monday 6 October 2014, 12:29PM

By Craft Collective



STOP, step back and take some time out just for you.

Opening next month in Tauranga is an exciting new Art, Craft and Design concept in a repurposed warehouse. Craft Collective’s soothing, creative, and inspiring workshops await stressed out professionals and hardworking Mums.

Craft Collective Director Amy Campbell and her passionate team have purposefully created an art, crafts and design school with a difference. Located in Central Tauranga, Craft Collective will soon be running creative workshops that consist of carefully researched projects, each designed specifically around the individual. Offering warm organic teas and paleo snacks, there will be a diverse range of activities available including block printing your own wallpaper, right through to sewing your own lingerie. Boasting the tagline Learn. Make. Grow, the concept is simplicity while still being educational, motivational and fun.

While education is the key focus at Craft Collective, there is also huge importance placed on encouraging health and wellbeing by decreasing stress related health problems that seem to be so prevalent today. These days we are all rushing around, trying to squeeze so much into our days and please everyone in the process. What we need to be mindful of is the importance in stepping back, slowing down and taking time out. This nourishes the soul, encourages us to grow and develop and in turn, become happier human beings. Recent research is testament to this and experts are drawing connections between mental health benefits reached when creating or crafting.

Amy highlights that Craft Collective is providing the perfect platform to facilitate this experience. ‘We are all about slowing down, making time in your week for yourself and learning how to make things by hand. I believe this single focus helps us on so many levels - reducing blood pressure, calming nerves, using different parts of your brain and creating joy.’

Craft Collective officially opens on Monday the 3rd November with a launch party on Saturday the 1st November. For more information on this event and Craft Collective’s workshops, visit

About Craft Collective:
Amy Campbell attended The Beacon Art School as a youngster and since then, has wanted to recreate this experience and inspire other children. Witnessing a lack in the market for meaningful after school activities for children, hobby outlets for adults and opportunities for Mums and preschoolers, Amy started Craft Collective. Her background in investment banking and insurance has given her the business skills needed to do so and the new venture has established a lifestyle that supports being a new mother. The team consists of five tutors and two assistant tutors with workshops currently covering Printmaking, Interiors, Sewing, DIY Beauty, After School and Mummy and Me classes. Craft Collective will look to expand their workshop repertoire in the New Year.