Zip up, clip in and get on board with #wearit4work

Tuesday 21 October 2014, 6:31PM

By WaterSafe Auckland


Zip up, clip in and get on board with #wearit4work
Zip up, clip in and get on board with #wearit4work Credit: WaterSafe Auckland


On the pitch, in the classroom, the boardroom or building site, WaterSafe Auckland (WAI) is asking everyone to zip up and clip in with their new initiative #wearitforwork, a fun photo competition to help raise awareness for the wearing of lifejackets.

WAI is supporting Safer Boating Week NZ (17-24 October) and is asking everyone to participate and spread the word. “We’re trying to emphasise the important issue of water safety but in a different way,” says WAI’s Chief Executive Jonny Gritt, “wearing a lifejacket should be a habit, not a hassle.”

Whatever their work environment, we’d love everyone to have a little fun with this. Simply wear a lifejacket and take a photo to help raise awareness for the serious issues of drowning prevention, share it with us and be in to win one of three sets of lifejackets.

WAI’s campaign does have a serious undercurrent in that we are asking people to reflect on the importance of wearing lifejackets and take action. The new Auckland Navigation Safety Bylaw takes effect at Labour Weekend, all persons on vessels of 6m or less must wear a lifejacket unless the skipper indicates otherwise.

The devastating news of recent drownings before we even get to the long weekend underlines how important it is that everyone gets involved, we want to achieve an equally confident Auckland, free from drowning, and urge everyone to play their part.  

#wearit4work is open for entries until Friday 24 October so there’s still plenty of time for everyone to get their pics in. Three entries per person can be submitted and there are three categories to choose from: workplace, education and community. Full instructions on how to enter and the competition Terms & Conditions are all on our website

We’ve had some great pics already and we look forward to more over the coming days, says Jonny.

For more information or interviews contact.

Jonny Gritt

Chief Executive
WaterSafe Auckland