Q: when's a fly treatment NOT a fly treatment?

ACES pest control

Saturday 17 January 2015, 7:30PM

By ACES pest control


What’s all the fuss about i-CAP technology?



Q:When is a fly spray not a fly spray?
A: When it stops working of course!


The Pest Control industry uses Pyrethroids for fly treatments which have a quick knock down rate and safe for people and their pets!  Fly sprays for houses have been a common and successful treatments in Auckland for years!

Recently, as recent as this month,  the main supplier of pest control chemicals to the industry in New Zealand, has reported many Pest Control companies are complaining that the fly treatments are NOT working. These reports are across the board over the different companies and products in the North Island.
The complaints have coincided with high temperatures of January 2015.

The reason could be that traditional  Pyrethroids will only work till a certain temperature (late 20s early 30s Celsius) and then they stop being active. At this point they can actually attract flies as their carriers can be consumed by flies as food.

ACES uses i-CAP technology. i-CAP technology was developed by the smart people at Syngenta. It uses microscopic spheres to protect the active chemical from being damaged by heat. Tested in Arizona- USA where average summer temperatures are 45 Celsius, the  i-CAP treatments just kept on working! The smart people at Syngenta also made the i-CAP sphere sticky so that it easily attached to the passing insect and pest controls it.

i-CAP on

ACES customers report that their fly treatment are working just fine over the heat of January 2015! Some customers are reporting that their i-CAP treatment has lasted for 12 months! Meanwhile their friends are having to have get repeat treatments of traditional sprays.

Safe for people their children and their pets.

Why put up with flies or treatments that DON’T work?

Call ACES for an i-CAP  fly treatment