Fitness addict ELLIE GOULDING designs workout for Nike+ Training Club

Friday 13 February 2015, 11:43AM



Fitness addict ELLIE GOULDING designs workout for Nike+ Training Club
Fitness addict ELLIE GOULDING designs workout for Nike+ Training Club Credit: Nike


Indie pop starlet, Ellie Goulding has taken her passion for fitness to the next level, designing a new workout for Nike+ Training Club – a free fitness app available on iOS and Android.

The singer/songwriter is a known fitness addict. Running is her first love; she already has five half-marathons under her belt. The 28-year-old England native is more than just a powerful voice and a celebrity entertainer. She’s a beacon for a movement in which strength is the new standard of beauty.

“I feel quite proud to be an ambassador for women who realize that being fit is better than being skinny,” Goulding says. “I like the fact that I can be that role model. I still think there’s a little bit of work to do with promoting fit, not thin. But it’s getting there.”

Strength is earned, which is something Goulding knows well.

“I think I was about 18 when I decided to start running,” Goulding says. “I literally went out running one day and I never looked back. From then on, I was running nearly every day, and I still am now.”

But her fitness regimen extends beyond the track or the streets of London. She is famous for tackling any type of workout, from boot camp to boxing to Bikram yoga.

As part of her ongoing passion for sport, Goulding has designed a new workout for Nike+ Training Club and March 2nd will see the launch of her ‘Get Lean’ N+TC exercise routine.  The new 15 minute N+TC App workout incorporates all of her favourite training moves, alternating metabolic drills with high and low intensity movement for a full body workout to help burn calories and keep you mentally and physically engaged.

“I think having a yin and yang with exercise is the important thing for me. I love to do high intensity training, but I also love to take it easy. I say take it easy, but doing yoga is not easy,” Goulding laughs. “Doing something different every day keeps things fresh, exciting and interesting.”

And with a new album on the horizon, and another half-marathon to run, Goulding is characteristically busy and upbeat. What an inspiration!