Restricted fire season begins for Franklin District

Franklin District Council

Friday 7 December 2007, 1:58PM

By Franklin District Council



Franklin District Council, as the Fire Authority for the Franklin District, announces the start of a restricted fire season.

The restrictions come into effect from 17th December 2007 and remain in place until further notice. The restrictions make it an offence to light, cause or allow a fire to be lit in the open air without a permit.

“The fire restrictions help protect our homes, our land and our lives from the risks of fire,” says Andrew Baker, Franklin District Council’s Principal Rural Fire Officer. “Franklin has a growing awareness of the risk an open fire can pose and the community should be congratulated for this. However, we need to make sure we act on what we know.”

Council advises that you only light a fire after first contacting Council and applying for a fire permit. Permits are free but will not be issued for open fires in urban areas. Following the conditions of your permit and being responsible are necessities when burning a fire at anytime.

“Permitted fires need to be watched at all times and mustn’t cause a smoke nuisance to any neighbour or public place. Burning plastic, rubber, tyres, treated timber or green vegetation is not permitted. Even if you have a permit, if you don’t follow the rules, or act irresponsibly, we will come and put it out,” says Andrew.

During the restricted fire season anyone who lights a fire and does not have a permit will have their fire extinguished and may be asked to pay the costs or in extreme cases face prosecution.

Exceptions to the restrictions are:

  • Traditional cooking fires on private property that are continually monitored and conducted in a safe & considerate manner.
  • Fires within enclosed incinerators or drums complete with a lid (these must be of a standard to prevent the spread of hot embers or ash).
  • Open air cooking in public places using gas fired cooking devices.

Anyone wishing to use fire to clear land during the restricted time must have an approved fire plan. For other open air fires apply for a permit by visiting Council or online at