NEWS - New Way To Buy & Sell Online

Monday 30 March 2015, 8:01PM

By TravellingNZ limited

367 views is the new kiwi owned way to buy, sell and trade online in New Zealand. Due to the frustration over increasing fees on other sites, and amount of scamming happening within facebook and other social media, kiwitrade provides a free way to buy and sell with increased security.

General Manager Matthew Douch says “ Membership is growing daily and the word is starting to get out there. We are trying to use word of mouth and social media as much as possible in our marketing to keep costs down and enable the site to remain free”.

A number of free classified sites have been popping up online in the last six months but with kiwitrades ability to run auctions it provides many more options to the end user. “We plan to keep the site free for general listings indefinitely although we may look to charge for selected categories such as real estate or vehicles in order to be able to keep the site running smoothly and safely. However, if we do start to charge for these categories we anticipate the listing fees will be significantly less than other sites.”

When asked about the site safety Matthew added “ We monitor all users manually, and any user accounts which seem fake or draw suspicion, we will attempt to verify these and delete accordingly. We are constantly looking at extra measures to increase security within the site”

A new website is already being developed which will have increased user functionality and as member numbers increase will provide a much more user friendly way to buy, sell and trade.

Take a look for yourself at