Parnell sets record for boundary ballot

Thursday 21 May 2015, 3:06PM

By Fuseworks Media



Following several months of engagement with landowners and business in the greater Parnell area, the Parnell Business Association achieved a record result with over 52% of voters voting and a 75% majority in favour of an expansion of their boundary.

The Parnell Business Association had around 500 members and up to now have only represented businesses along Parnell Rd, from George Rd down to The Strand. Defined as a BID (Business Improvement District), the limited boundary excluded all the businesses in Carlaw Park, along The Strand, in the St Georges Bay Road area and up towards Gladstone Rd.

Following a strategic review late in 2013, the association began working on uniting the area under the campaign banner of ‘One Parnell One Precinct’ and illustrating the range of benefits and support that BID membership could provide.

Cheryl Adamson, General Manager of Parnell Inc. sees the importance of policy advocacy as a key support role the association provides. "Advocacy and Representation are arguably the most valuable services provided by a businesses association in Auckland. Countless policy documents cross our desk and few companies have the time or resources to deal with them. Auckland Council and Auckland Transport utilise the BIDS as a direct conduit to disseminate policy info, so the majority of businesses located outside BID boundaries are often unaware of impending policy changes. In addition we will be developing a number of other service offerings such as a crime prevention & security programme as well as embarking on an engagement strategy with the whole area to reposition the Parnell brand.  

The last 12 months have seen a massive resurgence in the area with restaurants such as Woodpecker Hill taking centre stage in Parnell Rd and Republic setting up shop in the trendy York Street area. Millions more is being invested by Auckland’s major, savvy property companies. Award winning architects are being employed to design and create modern new structures, while other companies are choosing to invest in restoring old classics.  From historic roots as the first suburb in Auckland, Parnell has evolved through a quaint and charming development phase that set the tone for a trendy retail district. Today it is a vibrant retail and business precinct that is both eclectic and diverse", she said. "But ultimately there is only one Parnell".  

The ballot to extend the area represented by the Parnell BID commenced late April and after a 3 week voting period, closed on the 19th May with an overwhelming 75.08% majority who voted yes to the proposed Parnell BID Boundary Expansion. Due process will be followed in the next few weeks to completion for an inception date of 1 July 2015.

Paul Spackman, Chair of the Parnell Inc. Executive Committee is thrilled by this opportunity to turn a narrowly focused organisation into a much broader one that can address the underlying issues facing the total business precinct and be more sensitive to the requirements of the comprehensive Parnell area. "We would like to extend our grateful thanks to all those companies and landowners who took the time and trouble to vote in the recent ballot. We achieved a record participation response of over 52.3 % of eligible voters who had returned their vote, which is testimony to terrific stakeholder engagement. This result shows tremendous support for an integrated Parnell Business Association and we look forward to an exciting future together".