Defender Trials: Helmsman selection for LV Act 13

Infonews Editor

Tuesday 27 February 2007, 5:18PM

By Infonews Editor


As Alinghi wraps up the winter training at the Dubai International Marine Club, the foreseen announcement of the helmsman for Louis Vuitton Act 13 has been postponed. Syndicate head Ernesto Bertarelli and team skipper Brad Butterworth explained at a press conference, also attended by Grant Simmer, managing director and Jochen Schuemann, sports director, that “it was too close to call” and Alinghi has scheduled further racing in Valencia before the team makes a decision on the helmsman.

This was on the final day of Round 2 of the UBS Dubai Defender Trials, a two round affair that saw Ed Baird and Peter Holmberg and their respective crews go head to head with SUI64 and SUI91. Baird and his crew won Round 1 on a 3-all tie-breaker and they also went on to win Round 2, but as the decision of a helmsman is not based on the points, it has been postponed. Butterworth explained: “The racing has been very, very close. For us it is a tough decision and this time it has been too close to call, plus we are really keen to keep this healthy in-house competition going when we get back to Valencia. When we get back we’ll be launching SUI100 and racing her against SUI91 and the team is committed to this in-house racing process, so we’re going to keep it going as we think this is good for our team.”

Ernesto Bertarelli, team syndicate head, gave his thoughts: “This is the end of a very nice chapter of the Alinghi story for the 32nd America’s Cup. We have really enjoyed our stay in Dubai and have greatly benefited from being here. I am particularly pleased that by coming here, we have been able to touch another part of the world, having sailed in San Francisco and Newport, then later the Louis Vuitton Acts in Marseille, Sweden and Trapani and now back in Valencia. I think this is especially important since the Cup is a very old and extremely international trophy – if we can open new windows to our sport in locations such as this one here, then we can all be proud of what we have achieved. Of course, none of this would have been possible without UBS, our Main Partner, and the Dubai International Marine Club with their logistical support.”

Race day 4 – a shifty day
The last race of the event was delayed due to unstable conditions, but when it finally got away, the boats had a split tack start. SUI64 took an early lead in a big shift off the start line. Holmberg and the crew of SUI91 clawed Baird back downwind, closing the gap. But it was not enough and Baird finished 35 seconds ahead bringing the score to 4-1.

Dubai – a good choice
Dubai has been a valuable choice for Alinghi’s winter training. “The conditions here have in general reflected the conditions that we expect in Valencia in June, so we did a lot of testing before turning our focus on racing,” explained Butterworth. “The racing has been great, the level of in-house competition has been high and the team is pushing hard. With the winter training now over, the team starts the breakdown of the compound immediately to get the boats on the ship back to Valencia where training will resume in mid-March.”

Our thanks to UBS
The team wishes to thank their Main Partner UBS for their ongoing support and particularly for their involvement in the UBS Dubai Defender Trials, the first series of the Defender Trials, which will continue in Valencia after the Louis Vuitton Act 13. Peter Burnett, UBS Middle East Executive Chairman, hosted the prize giving at the end of Round 2, giving the trophy to Ed Baird and his crew.

Our thanks to the DIMC
Alinghi also wishes to thank the Dubai International Marine Club for their logistical support during the team’s stay in Dubai, “They have been a great support to the team and we wish them all the best in their development as an international sailing venue,” said Grant Simmer, Alinghi managing director.

Helmsman Peter Holmberg Ed Baird
Tactician Brad Butterworth Peter Evans
Afterguard Jochen Schuemann Grant Simmer
Navigator Mike Drummond Juan Vila
Runner/grinder Craig Sattherthwaite Ernesto Bertarelli
Runner/pit Dean Phipps Rodney Ardern
Traveller Murray Jones Jordi Calafat
Mainsail Trimmer Yann Gouniot Warwick Fleury
Grinder Will McCarthy Peter van Niekerk
Trimmer Nils Frei Claudio Celon
Trimmer Simon Daubney Lorenzo Mazza
Grinder Brian Sharp Nicolas Texier
Grinder Mark McTeigue Enrico De Maria
Pitman Josh Belsky Yves Detrey
Mastman Mark Newbrook Francesco Rapetti
Mid-Bow Curtis Blewett Matt Mitchell
Bow Bernard Labro Pieter van Nieuwenhuyzen

Daphne Morgan Barnicoat
Port America's Cup
Muelle de la Aduana
46024 Valencia, Spain

Alinghi flies the colours of the Société Nautique de Genève, Switzerland. Its partners for the 2007 campaign are UBS and BT Infonet (Main Partners), as well as Audemars Piguet, SGS, Nespresso, MSC Cruises and North Sails (Co sponsors).
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