The Ultimate Teeth Whitening Question: Visit the Dentist or DIY?

Friday 8 January 2016, 6:56PM

By Welcome Bay Dental Care



Teeth whitening is surrounded with myths. But there are two beliefs that stand out the most: professional assistance is a must, and home remedies are sufficiently effective.

These two myths contradict each other, yet dental practitioners debunk both. They say that natural home products, such as baking soda and orange peel, are clinically proven ineffective for the cause. On the other hand, seeking expert assistance isn’t necessary anymore with the availability of OTC products.

Welcome Bay Dental Care, however, offers a combination of both. They designed their services to help brighten up the smiles of their patients. “Our way of whitening teeth involves a simple process, and it is something you can do at home,” their staff explains, referring to a process they call the Pola Teeth Whitening System.

Patients seeking teeth whitening treatment don’t have to go through the dilemma of choosing between going to the dentist or doing it at home with costly trays, strips and gels. The premier Welcome Bay dentist practice makes the treatment for a whiter and brighter smile a whole lot easier, yet still as efficient.

As a member of the New Zealand Dental Association, they house only the most competent Tauranga dentists. The teeth whitening treatment begins with their resident dentist, Gareth, determining if you are fit for the procedure by checking if oral problems might stand in the way.

Once he gives the go-ahead, the Welcome Bay Dental Care’s therapist-hygienist, Hayley, takes a mould of your mouth. She’ll use the mould to create the bleaching tray, and then give you instructions on how to use it at home. You’ll have to return for two follow-up appointments, but you can keep the trays and use them when your teeth become stained again over time.

More About Welcome Bay Dental Care

To prevent oral health problems from getting worse is the primary goal of Welcome Bay Dental Care. The premier dental practice creates an inviting, family-focused atmosphere in their clinic to provide their patients not only with competent and efficient services, but with customer satisfaction as well.

Their friendly and caring personnel extends a helping hand to new and old patients alike. They also offer professionally-fitted custom-made mouth guards for athletes. In addition, Welcome Bay Dental Care provides free dental care to adolescents until they turn 18.

Find out more about this innovative teeth whitening treatment at