Wanaka Structure Plan

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Tuesday 11 December 2007, 2:41PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Today was a milestone day for Wanaka with the Queenstown Lakes District Council strategy committee giving its approval to the revised Wanaka Structure Plan.

“As a committee we have said today that we consider the plan to be an acceptable broad framework to manage future growth and help guide future land use in the Wanaka township,” strategy committee chairwoman Gillian Macleod said.

A key element of the structure plan was the identification of proposed new urban areas at Wanaka (generally bound by SH84, Cardrona Valley Road and Riverbank Road) and the establishment of inner and outer growth boundaries to control the extent of outward growth.

“It really is a very significant document for the future of the town,” Councillor Macleod said.

At this point the plan was a non-statutory document that did not amend or change current District Plan controls and zoning.

“Now that the strategy committee has approved the plan it will go before the Wanaka Community Board and the full council this month,” Councillor Macleod said.

If the full council adopted the structure plan on 19 December 2007, it would then be implemented into the District Plan through a series of Plan Changes to give it statutory weight.

“The Plan Change process provides for more detailed and comprehensive consultation and consideration of a range of issues prior to land being rezoned and we really need the Wanaka community to give consideration to and have input into those processes,” Councillor Macleod said.

The Plan Change process would provide the opportunity for formal submissions to be made.