Hauraki District Mayor elected to chair Hauraki Gulf Forum
John Tregidga, Mayor of Hauraki District Council, was yesterday elected to chair the Hauraki Gulf Forum.
Michael Lee, Chairman of the Auckland Regional Council, was elected deputy chair.
The Hauraki Gulf Forum promotes and facilitates integrated management of the resources of the Hauraki Gulf. Created by government legislation in 2000, the Forum comprises elected representatives from the 12 regional, city and district councils within the catchments of the Gulf, six tangata whenua representatives appointed by the Minister of Conservation and ministerial nominees from the Department of Conservation, Ministry of Fisheries and Ministry of Maori Affairs.
“The Forum recognizes Tikapa Moana, the Hauraki Gulf, as a nationally significant place and encourages members to share information, integrate management responsibilities and ensure special care and protection for its waters, islands and catchments,” said Mayor Tregidga.
Mayor Tregidga has been an active member of the Forum since its establishment. His interest in the Gulf has developed from boating and fishing in the area, strong relationships with iwi of the region, and overseeing a council district with significant dairy and gold mining interests.
“Auckland city exerts great influence on the Gulf and so too does the Hauraki Plains on which nearly half a million dairy cows graze. An inter-agency, catchment-wide perspective is essential to assure the long-term well-being of the region,” said Mayor Tregidga.
The Forum plans to publish its second state of the environment report for the Hauraki Gulf early next year, highlighting the pressures it faces and the current management responses to these.
ARC Chairman Michael Lee paid tribute to outgoing chair Laly Haddon and deputy chair ARC councillor Bill Burrill.
“Laly brought a dignified leadership to the work of the forum over five years, balancing iwi perspectives and championing protection and enhancement of the Hauraki Gulf,” says Mr Lee.
The Auckland Regional Council acts as the administering authority for the Hauraki Gulf Forum which meets quarterly.