Dentist Tauranga – Going Long without Dental Care Damages Self-Esteem

Friday 29 April 2016, 8:06PM

By Harley Dentistry



What’s the first thing you notice about a person’s face? Their smile, of course.

The importance of a great smile is no surprise to most dentists. Over the past years, they’ve developed state-of-the-art procedures such as crowns, veneers, and implants to remedy a number of oral issues. Chipped, missing or stained teeth have no place in healthy and perfect smiles.

But what happens when you consistently neglect visiting the dentist? Some easily brush off the dentist, thinking that they can go anytime, anyway.

Forgetting about your dentist’s appointment now is forgivable. But neglecting it more than often comes with a price—and it includes your self-esteem.

According to Harley Dentistry, your friendly dentist in Tauranga, a good smile is vital in a lot of situations. For example, a healthy set of teeth is beneficial for job seekers, especially for occupations that require face-to-face contact. Smiling smoothens customer relations as well as wins over potential employers. With a crooked set of teeth, this can be difficult to achieve.

A good smile is advantageous with social interactions. Since a grin is contagious, people love seeing them. But if you’re hesitant with your smile because of your insecurities, you miss out on a lot of social opportunities.

Don’t wait for your dental concerns to worsen. The longer these problems go untreated, the more difficult it is to repair them. Harley Dentistry can help you maintain your pearly whites and self-esteem, too.

As one of Tauranga’s trusted dentists, the practice considers your well-being as a top priority. In their opinion, a beautiful smile is the key to better self-confidence. With their meticulous and well-planned treatments, they offer solutions that deal with teeth, gum and mouth problems. According to the emergency dentist, they do not exist to “sell you” treatments, but to help you understand your needs.

With a better smile, you need not fear meeting others. You can eagerly establish good communication, positive first impressions and also make new friends. All it takes is a regular visit to your dentist.

Call Harley Dentistry now at (07) 576-3104 to schedule an appointment or visit their website at for more information.