Duncan Webb Selected to Stand for Labour in Christchurch Central

Saturday 11 June 2016, 4:26PM

By Shaw Consultants


Christchurch lawyer, academic and activist Dr Duncan Webb, has been selected by the Labour Party as its candidate to contest the Christchurch Central electorate in 2017.

A long-time member of the Labour Party, Webb says he is excited by the prospect of winning Central Christchurch for Labour and the people of Christchurch, and is totally focussed on doing just that. 

“The city is critical for Labour, it is at the heart of Canterbury, it’s exciting, and it should be leading the world in terms of innovation and resilience,” he says.

Andrew Kirton, Labour Party General Secretary says, “Duncan joins our growing list of energetic and forward looking candidates who will stand for labour in 2017. Our focus is on winning next year and electing a strong Labour-led government that will back the Kiwi dream and help every New Zealander get ahead.”

Duncan Webb has perhaps gained greatest profile in recent years for his work with earthquake claimants. He says “the earthquakes have shaken more than just buildings; trust and confidence need fixing too.”

Driven by what he and the Labour Party see as an urgent need for change, Dr Webb says Christchurch’s regeneration needs to be sustainable for everyone, and too many people have been, and continue to be, left behind.

“We must have ordinary people, everyday New Zealanders at the centre of everything we do. If you look at Christchurch for example, people should be the top priority in the day-to-day decisions around how the city is rebuilt, as well as how we respond to events like earthquakes,” he says. “A Labour Government will make Christchurch a better place for everyone and I know I can help to make that happen.”

Webb says the campaign starts today.

“There are hundreds of people who have offered to help and now it’s time to get out and tell people that Labour is the real alternative to the current leadership in Christchurch Central. This election will be about the whole of Christchurch, seizing the opportunities for everyone in Christchurch and changing the way our city is represented in Wellington.”

Dr Webb will open an office in the central city in the coming months.