Maori Party Opposes Proposal to Lift Superannuation Age

Maori Party

Tuesday 18 December 2007, 8:24PM

By Maori Party


The Maori Party has today expressed its profound concern at any suggestions that the pension age should be lifted.

“Such an idea would work against Maori – there’s no two ways around it” said Tariana Turia, Senior Citizens spokesperson and Co-leader of the Maori Party.

“The statistics tell us that the life expectancy for Maori is at least eight years lower than that for non-Maori” said Mrs Turia.

“These people have been paying taxes all of their lives and yet when it comes to seeing the fruits of their contribution at the end of their lives, they often miss out”.

“We have always advocated that superannuation policy should be reviewed to consider the appropriate entitlement age for groups whose life expectancy is lower than average” said Mrs Turia.

“The shorter life expectancy of some population groups has implications for the length of time that they can enjoy the benefits of their tax contribution, especially superannuation” said Mrs Turia.