Wellington City Seeks Environment Enthusiasts
Wellington's Environmental Reference Group, which advises the Council on the management of the city's natural environment and environmental policies, is looking for more members.
The group wants to involve as diverse a range of people as possible, of all ages and interests, to look into issues such as climate change, biodiversity, energy use and the reduction of solid and liquid waste.
Environment portfolio spokesperson Councillor Celia Wade-Brown says people with knowledge and experience in these areas are needed to develop the group's expertise.
"We know there are many people with a passion for Wellington and we want members with a genuine interest in the environment. People who already have good links to local environmental initiatives should consider becoming part of the group," she says.
Members are not selected to represent organisations – they are selected because of their enthusiasm and knowledge of the natural environment, recreation and other associated issues. Membership is voluntary but meeting expenses can be reimbursed. The group meets about every two months.
If you would like to be part of the Environmental Reference Group, or if your group wants to recommend someone, get in touch with Wellington City Council. Nominations should include contact details and a short profile on the nominee, including relevant information about their environmental interests.
The closing date for nominations is 5.00pm, Thursday 31 January. If there are a large number of applicants, the existing Environmental Reference Group members will make the final selections.
Nominations should be mailed to:
Sharon Bennett
Wellington City Council
PO Box 2199
Fax: (04) 801 3231
Email: sharon.bennett@wcc.govt.nz
Related Links
Environmental Reference Group meetings