Amenity Tenders out

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Wednesday 19 December 2007, 5:41PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



The bundle of tenders that collectively impact on the presentation of amenity in the Queenstown Lakes District were released this week, QLDC community services general manager Paul Wilson said.

Tendering the bundle of six contracts, including cleaning, tree maintenance, cemetery services, grounds maintenance and plant and animal pest control was the culmination of the service delivery review work commenced in 2004.

“The council has undertaken some considerable planning for the expiry of the existing Lake Contract Services contract in June 2008. This is effectively the first time these contracts have been tendered and I have to say the interest has been incredibly high,” Mr Wilson said. Inquiries had been received from Invercargill to Auckland.

“But I would point out we have not overlooked our local suppliers, including LCS, now owned by Delta, and some smaller operators, who have received tendering documents,” Mr Wilson said.

The council was looking for excellence and accountability in the delivery of contracts that impact on ratepayers, residents and visitors, QLDC community services committee chairman Leigh Overton said.

“We are looking at a greater emphasis on paying for services received, rather than lump sum payments of the past,” Councillor Overton said. The contracts would each be let for five years with a five year renewal option and an ‘out clause’ for the council for poor contractor performance.

Not included in the contracts was cleaning of the Queenstown and Wanaka central business districts and parks and reserves horticulture. The council announced its intentions in November to establish its own ‘in house’ parks team.

“We will be recruiting 16 new staff for the team, including a dedicated street cleaner for Wanaka for the first time, two street cleaners for Queenstown and one person for Arrowtown, who would also cover any leave elsewhere, ”Mr Wilson said.

In addition the council had also entered into negotiations with the Queenstown Events Centre for the management of sports fields in the district. “That’s more of a specialist area that the event’s centre have a proven track record in, plus it makes sense for them to fully manage these facilities for a more co-ordinated result,” Mr Wilson said.

Tenders for the six contracts would close on February 14, with evaluation scheduled to take place the following week, Mr Wilson said.