Graphic Detail Say If Your Website isn't Driving Business Then You're Doing It Wrong

Tuesday 18 December 2018, 2:14PM

By Beckie Wright


A website is an essential business tool, and every business uses its site differently. Some use it to generate instant revenue through ecommerce sales while others use it to generate leads, phone calls or physical location visits. There is one thing that every business wants to accomplish with its website: leveraging it to create more growth, and Graphic Detail explain the 2019 trend for websites is to drive business, rather than running alongside it.

Your website is your virtual billboard, your online store front and your biggest asset and Graphic Detail are there to help you utilise it. As they explain, there are several ways to increase your leads, sales and revenue without investing in a complete redesign and rebuild, and one of these is to perform a conversion audit. Having a full-blown conversion audit performed is well worth the small out-of-pocket expense.

 Secondly, if you are using multiple traffic sources to generate phone calls, it is a great idea to send each source to dedicated landing pages featuring unique phone numbers, in other words, call tracking. By using call tracking you will be able to determine what sources produced the most phone calls.

Thirdly, analyse your Google Analytics data. When you know what traffic sources aren’t producing conversions and what your traffic is doing prior to converting it allows you to make significant changes. When you fully understand your Google Analytics data it will help you eliminate poorly performing traffic sources and scale up the marketing efforts that are driving the highest percentage of conversions.

Also, every website can benefit from installing live chat, which is a low cost option that can produce noticeable results. Similarly, if your website visitors trust your business, they are going to be more likely to make purchases and submit their information. Including testimonials from customers or notable industry partners is a great way to build trust. Showcasing awards, recognition or accreditations such as the Better Business Bureau will also help to make your visitors feel comfortable doing business with you.

Finally, think about switching to simple flat fonts, which display nicely on all devices — desktop, tablet and mobile, so for more information on design agencies Auckland, pull-up banners and graphic design agencies Auckland please go to .