NZ Property Investment Seminar Sells Our in 60 Hours. New Seminar Announced

Saturday 13 July 2019, 11:47AM

By Opes Partners



Opes Partners, a New Zealand-based property investment company, and Tony Mounce Mortgages and Insurance are holding a joint seminar to discuss how to build wealth through property investment.

Within 60 hours of the event going live, the event hit capacity with almost 175 Cantabrians booking in to hear Tony Mounce and Andrew Nicol (of Opes Partners) speak.

The demand has been so high that a second seminar has been announced for the following night (7th August 2019). And already this seminar is also half full.

Opes Partners Managing Partner, Andrew Nicol says "there is a lot of excitement in Christchurch at the moment regarding property investment. House prices have continued to increase and this is giving homeowners equity in their homes, which they can leverage to enter the property market and become property investors."

He goes on to say that "record low-interest rates are also making property investment in NZ more attractive because it decreases the cost of owning investment property, as serving the investment property mortgage is typically the highest cost associated with investing in property."

Nicol has also stated that while these trends are widely known, what is not known is how to use these economic trends to enter the property market and become a property investor. "That is what Tony and I hope to achieve on the night. We want people to walk away with the knowledge, the confidence and the impetus to take some action and become property investors".

The first (sold out) event will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Christchurch on 6th August at 5:30 pm, for a 6:30 pm start. The second event is held at the same location on the 7th of August at 5:30 pm, for a 6:30 pm start, also.

Both events are free and have both food and drinks provided at no cost. 

To book in for the event go to Eventbrite, here.

Or go here to find out about: Opes Partners & property investment.