Businesses Harness the Internet

Infonews Editor

Monday 30 April 2007, 10:32AM

By Infonews Editor


More than 90 percent of businesses used the Internet in 2006, up 15 percent from 2001, Statistics New Zealand said today. In the Business Operations Survey for 2006, over three-quarters of businesses had a broadband Internet connection. Over a third of businesses used the Internet to receive orders for goods or services. Almost one in 10 New Zealand businesses generated over 10 percent of their sales through Internet orders.

Over half (58 percent) of businesses rated information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure as good, the highest out of various business operating environmental factors. The skilled labour market was rated lowest in the survey, with only 21 percent of businesses rating it as good.

The survey asked businesses about the flexible working arrangements they offered their staff. Over a quarter of businesses offered job share arrangements. The ability to work from home was offered by 20 percent of businesses, and 5 percent of businesses offered either childcare allowances or facilities.

The Business Operations Survey has run annually since 2005. It collects information on a wide range of business practices and behaviours that impact on business performance.

Further results, focusing on business performance and operating environments, will be released in a report in August 2007. Data on businesses’ use of ICT will also be included in both a detailed report on ICT in New Zealand and the OECD Science, Technology and Industry scoreboard in late 2007.

Dallas Welch
Acting Government Statistician