Future Kids Preschool Advocate Sustainable Practices

Wednesday 28 August 2019, 5:15PM

By Beckie Wright


Future Kids Preschool are strongly focused on recycling all waste in their centre with purpose built recycling centres in each room for organic food waste, soft plastics, hard plastics and cardboard. They also have two large rainwater tanks that gather rainwater from the roof then they feed it back to the gardens and orchard, and their centre has solar energy panels which store the sun’s natural energy, providing a renewable source of energy to the centre.  

Future Kids’ centre has a barn that is the home to their family of animals, goats, chickens, rabbits and guinea pigs. Daily activities for the children at the centre include handling and feeding animals, and collecting food waste from meals to feed the chickens and worm-farms. This interaction encourages children to learn about sustainability and the way nature relates to their daily lives.

They focus on the use of their natural outdoor space, with large playgrounds with twice the standard play space Ministry standards require, and all the great things they offer include 500sqm of orchard planted with fruit trees, raised vegetable gardens growing fresh organic vegetables for centre meals, an animal

farm house and a variety of animals, purified drinking water, rainwater collection tanks for gardening, a sustainable living programme: seed-feed-compost-recycle-reuse, with organic whole food guidelines, whole food choices and healthy heart choices.

Their other sustainable practices include solar panels in the centre, wooden furniture and a recycling centre, and they use eco-friendly cleaning products and a non-toxic environment, so for more information on sustainable childcare, early childhood education New Plymouth and daycare costs New Plymouth please go to .