Advance your Career Goals & Learn with Confidence at the Crown Institute of Studies

Friday 22 May 2020, 9:29PM

By Beckie Wright


For companies and students alike, moving forward during hard times such as these is never easy. Compromises have had to be made throughout the country in order to ensure the health and safety of the community, and many students have had to put their aspirations on hold as well. Thankfully, for students wanting to start or continue their study in Auckland they can now do so with the Crown Institute of Studies.  

Crown’s pre-emptive efforts and forward-thinking approach have made it possible for students to continue their learning without delaying or compromising their career goals. This is evident in how successfully Crown has moved forward with delivering their travel and tourism, hospitality, and business courses online throughout the lock-down and level 3 period. 

As they continue to progress with their curriculum, Crown will be using a “Blended-learning” approach, involving a mixture of online and classroom-based learning practices. This will ensure that they remain fully prepared to continue teaching no matter how the current situation develops.  

On top of this, to ensure students can continue their learning online, Crown is providing Chromebooks for loan to all students who do not have a suitable device of their own.    

Crown’s next intake for students is the 2nd of June 2020, and all travel and tourism, hospitality, and business classes now incorporate new content to cover how businesses are recovering and coping with the current situation.  

Crown will continue to provide as much support as possible for their students. All students will have access to the materials they need in order to complete their studies and enter the workforce prepared and with confidence. 

If you’re interested in pursuing a career in hospitality, business, or travel and tourism, the Crown Institute of Studies is here to help you succeed. If you have any questions or are looking for more information on the courses they provide, visit Crown at .