What Is Search Marquis Redirect Virus and How to Remove It

Saturday 31 October 2020, 1:41AM

By David Blaine


Search Marquis redirect virus
Search Marquis redirect virus Credit: David Blaine

Search Marquis redirect malware is used by unfair Internet marketers to promote specific search results. This virus often usually makes some sort of unauthorized changes to the user’s web browser settings. It sets up a new home page, a new default search engine, and \ or numerous toolbars that automatically redirect web requests to specific websites. As a result, every time a user opens a browser, he immediately starts to see different pop-ups, advertisements, banners, sliders, and advertising materials.

The Search Marquis browser virus (also called browser hijacker) may target all modern browsers installed on the macOS device, including Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. Removing the nasty program can be a huge problem. Plenty of web users whose computers are infected with such viruses do not know how to remove them effectively. Some people believe they were hit by a serious malware similar to Trojans or ransomware.

In case you think you have been infected with a dangerous virus; I must tell you that this is not true. You are dealing with is a primitive browser hijacker that, apart from its constant ad-creation and page-redirection activities, is unlikely to really harm damage your computer.

Anyway, you should remove it as soon as possible and get rid of all the ads Search Marquis is constantly displaying on the screen. Therefore, to help you with the removal process, malware removal experts from have prepared a detailed Search Marquis removal guide.

Some web users whose browsers have been hijacked by Search Marquis are concerned that all those ads and redirects the hijacker displays on the screen can be used to distribute malware or promote online scams and frauds. Actually, this problem must be taken seriously since some ransomware viruses, banking Trojans, and other viruses may really be spread through malicious ads. Your chances to land on something misleading and potentially dangerous are high enough. It only takes to make one click on a malicious ad or fake pop-up to get infected with something very harmful. Therefore, even if browser hijackers like Search Marquis do not represent a direct threat to your device, clicking on its advertisements may sometimes lead to big security and privacy problems.

One more good reason to get rid of browser hijackers like Search Marquis from your machine is the fact that they often collect private information about you that may include your location, specific search terms, system information, etc. The creators of this software claim that this data is non-personal telemetry data. They later sell it to interested advertisers. This is not an unlawful practice, but if you do not wish this data to be collected from you, you must follow the instructions provide by and uninstall the rogue program.

How to protect yourself from the Search Marquis virus?

  • Do not download or install programs from unknown sources. Download programs only from the official sites of developers, as well as from the App Store.
  • Do download content from torrents. Anything can be inside, including a virus for Mac.
  • Keep your macOS updated