Easy Way to Find NZ's Trusted Car Transport Companies

Saturday 19 December 2020, 7:04AM

By Wise Move - Moving Company


Car Transport NZ
Car Transport NZ Credit: Wise Move - Moving Company

Transporting a car or any type of vehicle is never easy to do. There are a lot of things that can complicate the move -  distance, weather, schedule, and the operability of the vehicle, especially when transporting multiple cars with only one driver or transporting a car from one island to another. Sometimes, people who need to transport their car will turn to the help of car transport companies to avoid any types of hassle and complications along the road.

However, finding a trusted car transport companies is not an easy task. After all, cars cost quite a lot, so it’s only understandable that you would want to find trustworthy people to move it. Luckily, there’s a platform that you can use to help you easily find the best car transport company anywhere you are in NZ, and that’s Wise Move.

This free to use platform is a marketplace where people with moving needs meet with different transport providers and agree on terms in regards to their transportation requirements. It offers different types of services for every transport needs, including car transportation.

When you look for a car transport company, you don’t just search for one particular company. You would want a list you can choose from. So you go online and start your research probably on Google. Then you’ll find yourself flooded with different car transport companies which can be quite overwhelming and then you’ll have to start checking each of them and fill up forms or send emails to each one of them for you to get quotes. Some of those will take some time for you to reply, or not even reply, which of course, is a waste of time for you.

But when you use Wise Move, you only need to submit one listing for your car transportation request, and your listing gets exposed to a network trusted car transport companies in NZ. You will then receive multiple quotes from these transport providers, saving you time from going through each moving companies just to get quotes. Not just quotes, but competitive quotes, because they will compete to win your moving job. So the quotes you get are generally cheaper because they can see real-time what other competing companies have offered you. 

All transport providers are vetted by Wise Move before they are allowed to operate within the platform to ensure that you only choose from trusted and reliable movers of NZ. On each of their profile, you can check more information about the services they offer, how long they have been operating and how many jobs they have completed through Wise Move. And most importantly, you get to check reviews from real customers who have previously used their services. No more browsing different websites to check reviews and feedbacks about a certain moving company. This again saves you time and money from doing your research, trying to know which of these companies can be trusted. Truly the easiest way of finding car transport companies anywhere you are NZ.