Lower Back Stability

Tuesday 2 March 2021, 4:45PM

By Physio-Logic



Lower back stability is extremely important.

Here, we are demonstrating how the pelvic angle should be, and a simple exercise to improve lower back stability.

When we stand on the ground and our feet is completely flat, our pelvis should be aligned. Where it aligns, is the Posterior Superior Iliac Spine (PSIS) should be level with our Anterior Superior Iliac Spine (ASIS).

When we get a sore lower back, a common appearance is when our pelvis is tilted forwards, meaning our PSIS is higher than our ASIS. This can be due to a number of factors adding together.

One example: with constant over-activation of our calves, it puts a tilt on our pelvis. To demonstrate over-activation of the calves, we can get our demonstrator Dylan to put some heels on. With high heels, there is an over-activation of her calves. With an over-activation of the calves, our pelvis tilts forwards, our hip flexor muscle gets shortened, and that puts a lot of stress on our lower back – leading to lower back pain.

A simple exercise to do to ease the stresses across our lower back is to loosen the hip flexor muscle.

Placing our hands on our hips and standing shoulder-width apart, lean backwards from our hands, and hold that position.

Should shakes occur, there is a presence of tightness. Hold the stretch for 5 deep breaths and allow the hip flexor muscle to loosen out.

Thanks for viewing the Fight Physio Blog, see you next time!