Doug Howlett to Help Thousands of NZ Kids

Infonews Editor

Tuesday 27 February 2007, 6:35PM

By Infonews Editor



Doug Howlett launches a great new initiative for New Zealand kids today. The Doug Howlett Outreach Foundation will help thousands of New Zealand kids who show promise in both sport and academics through financial support and mentoring. Doug Howlett is one of the first New Zealand sportspeople to follow the lead of overseas sports stars and use their status to offer first-hand mentoring to kids.

Doug Howlett says, “Having played rugby since the age of 6, I feel extremely grateful for the opportunity my parents provided for me which has enabled me to fulfill my dream of becoming an All Black, representing New Zealand in its national game. Unfortunately not all children who grow up in this country are as fortunate as I have been and it is my goal and passion to see this change.”

Through the Doug Howlett Foundation kids will be assisted with sports fees, school fees, stationery and sports apparel. Recipients of the Doug Howlett Foundation grants will also receive mentoring and support from Doug Howlett himself. Personal letters of encouragement, congratulations and helpful assistance will help sustain motivation and enhance sport and academic achievement.

Doug continues, “My goal is to use the public profile that I have gained through playing rugby to make a difference in the lives of children who need someone to believe in them and encourage them. In doing so I hope to make a positive contribution to their future, so they can achieve their goals both on and off the sports field.”

Kids that are chosen by the Doug Howlett Foundation will be between the ages of 8 and 14 years, having been elected for consideration by coaches and teachers because of their promising performances in both the academic and sports areas. In the founding year of the Foundation kids who play rugby, netball and rugby league will be considered with grants being opened up to further sports as the Foundation develops. For more information visit

The Doug Howlett Foundation is an extension of the work Doug currently does as a patron of the KidsCan Charitable Trust. KidsCan also aims to make a difference in the lives of New Zealand kids by helping to supply them with their basic physical and nutritional needs. Check out