Further submissions are being sought for two key district plan changes.

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Wednesday 9 January 2008, 6:19PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



Plan Change 14: Makarora Rural Lifestyle Zone, proposes to amend the current zoning to require assessment of the effects of natural hazards on a property and to promote cluster development if a property is subdivided.

“We’ve received 7 submissions in total, which raise a range of important issues,” Queenstown Lakes District Council senior policy analyst Alyson Schuler said.

“Issues raised include a request for a cultural assessment of the area, the zoning is changed to Rural General and that the plan change be broadened to include listed and non-listed archaeological sites within the Makarora Valley,” she said.

Plan Change 22: Definition of Visitor Accommodation considers accommodation to be Visitor Accommodation when the length of any stay is fewer than 28 consecutive days, instead of 3 months as is currently in the District Plan. The proposed definition also provides an exemption that allows owners to rent their home on a nightly basis once per year, while away on holiday, and not be required to obtain resource consent.

QLDC senior policy analyst Scott Figenshow said 74 submissions had been received on plan change 22.

“Five of the submissions supported the plan change, with 69 opposing the change. Of the 69 opposing the change as notified, 42 provided an alternative definition that defined the length of stay as that which is on a daily basis,” he said.

Other suggestions included consideration of a bed tax and clarification on whether crib owners would be considered as visitor accommodation.

A summary of the plan change submissions was notified today (Wednesday) and is now available for further comment until January 15, 2008.

“We now want to hear from anyone wishing to comment on these original submissions, which are available on the council website, at council offices and in libraries. All submissions will be taken into consideration through the resulting planners report and the public hearing, which will be held later this year,” Mr Figenshow said.