Total Mobility voucher users will need ID card

Taranaki Regional Council

Thursday 10 January 2008, 4:35PM

By Taranaki Regional Council



An identity card is being introduced for users of the Total Mobility taxi voucher scheme in Taranaki.

Passengers will be unable to obtain Total Mobility taxi discounts from 1 March unless they produce a new ID card issued by the Taranaki Regional Council, which administers the scheme.

Total Mobility vouchers are for people unable to use public transport because of health or disability issues. The vouchers are distributed through a number of community organisations and the Council has already contacted many users directly to arrange ID cards for them.

“But there is a significant number of users for whom contact details have changed, and we’d really like them to contact us so we can arrange a new ID card to allow them to continue to benefit from the scheme,” says the Council’s Director-Operations, Rob Phillips.

Total Mobility voucher users who have not already heard from the Council can call a toll-free number, 0800 736 222, to have an ID card application form sent to them.

Mr Phillips says the ID cards are being introduced to improve management of the scheme, which has expanded rapidly in recent years.

“It’s important that voucher users contact us soon,” he says. “After 1 March, it will be a case of ‘No ID card, no discount’.”