Keep The Kids Entertained This Holiday Season With 3D Printing Projects

Thursday 3 November 2022, 6:10AM

By Premium SEO NZ


The coming December holidays are usually a time of fun and relaxation, when families get to spend more quality time together. However, parents can sometimes feel frustrated during this period if they run out of ideas to keep the kids entertained. For those looking to try something new, 3D printing could be a fun hobby for the whole family.

With 3D printing, it’s possible to be entertained while also being practical. Instead of buying Christmas decorations like tree ornaments and Nativity sets, why not have each family member design and print their own? This process can make the whole decorating activity more exciting, as the ornamentations will feel special and personalised.

Since 3D printing allows for a wide array of projects, families can also make and give bespoke, 3D-printed gifts. From jewellery boxes, cracker toys, and board games to model-building kits and light fixtures, the possibilities of 3D-printed gifts would really only be limited by each family member’s imagination. Getting the kids to design and then paint the items once printed can also mean hours of fun – and could prove a happy distraction for when parents wish to limit screen time.

While it may be a bit costly to initially purchase a printer and all the accessories and items necessary to print different designs, the costs saved when compared to purchasing gifts and decorations, as well as the hours of fun to be had by the whole family more than makes up for the initial expenditure. And once everything is in place, it’s an affordable hobby to keep up for years to come.

For parents wishing to try 3D printing with their kids this season, a good place to start is to view RC Hobbies 3D printers, to see what’s available and in-budget. Then, the printing fun can begin!