Urgent Call For Primary Health To Play Much Bigger Role in NZ Health Plan

Wednesday 29 March 2023, 2:44PM

By RedPR


Angela Francis, Executive Director of FPHANZ
Angela Francis, Executive Director of FPHANZ Credit: Supplied

The Executive Director of the country’s leading primary health and community care organisation, the Federation of Primary Health Aotearoa NZ (FPHANZ), says a meeting with the head of Te Whatu Ora, Margie Apa, on Friday comes at a critical time in the current health reforms.

Angela Francis says FPHANZ believes the voice and representation of the primary health sector must be far greater than it is currently.

“An effective and equitable health system must be about people, and who’s best placed to inform what is needed at the primary heath level? Primary and community health providers and the communities they serve,” she says.

The Federation says good health care begins at home and in the community, and engaging with those who are part of this process is essential.

“We can provide informed advice on issues around finances, workforce, and distribution and sustainability barriers that currently exist. There has to be easier access to primary and community health care for everyone and without a strong and representative primary health care voice, we question how that will happen,” she says.

Ms Francis acknowledges that there are a few mechanisms for primary and community health to  contribute at this establishment stage however where they do exist, a limited number of voices appear to be able to contribute.

“The voices of collaborative organisations such as the Federation and NGO peak bodies, must be allowed to contribute. It seems the majority of primary health care providers and consumers who are the system, are just not visible in Te Whatu Ora’s design and set up process,” says Ms Francis.

The Federation acknowledges and welcomes the Health Quality and Safety Commission’s Code of Expectations for consumer and whānau engagement in the wider health sector, and the Consumer Health Forum Aotearoa, involving the entire health sector.

The Federation will be presenting a number of recommendations to Ms Apa which strongly underscore the importance of primary and community health providers, being genuine contributors and partners in the development of the NZ Health Plan Te Pae Tata.

“The voice of the Primary Health Care sector is core critical at this stage of the reforms. Don’t leave us out,” says Ms Francis.



The Federation of Primary Health Aotearoa New Zealand is the country’s peak body for Primary and Community Care. 

FPHANZ was established in 2018, when 70 of New Zealand’s primary health and community care leaders representing PHO’s, pharmacy, midwifery, allied health, nursing and others came together, for the benefit of the health and well-being of all New Zealanders.

It is the “go-to” membership body representing primary, community and consumer health care interests, for the benefit of all New Zealanders. It is the unified voice of Aotearoa’s leading primary and community health providers, putting person-centred care before all else.

Post COVID and with the health system review well underway, the reach and membership of the Federation is now being expanded to all areas of primary and community health including: Aged Care, Wellness, Community Health, NGO’s, Mental Health, Māori, Iwi, Disability, Professional Organisations.

The Federation’s overall aim is to see the primary and community health sector become the central function and focus of New Zealand’s health system, and be person focused in advancing health and wellbeing equity.

The Federation is not limited to a single workforce and viewpoint.

Federation Priority Areas

• Greater focus on workforce supply and utilisation of skill mix

• A significant shift of resources to front-line primary and community services

• Fair and equitable funding for primary and community health workforce

• A genuine and clear process of engagement and co-design (including consumers, whanau, carers and providers) to deliver on key government policy statements


Current Board Members

Hon. Steve Chadwick (Independent Chair)

Andrew Gaudin – Pharmacy Guild

Teresa Wall – Director Wall Consultants

Ngapei Ngatai – Kaimnāki Oranga

Phillip Chapman – Consumer Representative

Prof Don Matheson

Dr Jenny Carryer – CNZM, Professor, School of Nursing: Massey University