Maori Party Mourns passing of our 'homegrown superman'

Maori Party

Friday 11 January 2008, 1:53PM

By Maori Party


Iri te rau kawakawa iri ki whare aitua.

Ngarue ana te whenua, ngaoko ana te moana, i te hinganga o te totara whakahe o te wao, a, mo wai ana tera i te maunga o nga kaka haetara, nei kapoto ki te po.

Tenei ia kua riro ki te kapunipunitanga o nga wairua, kua tua o te pae o maumahara.

Haere e te rangatira, haere ki tua atu i Te Reinga, ko taa mätou te hunga ora, he whai i nga tapuwae kua pikitia e koe.

E koro e, moe atu, moe atu, moe atu raa.

The passing of Sir Edmund Hillary will be marked with enormous sadness by people throughout Aotearoa says Maori Party Co-leader, Dr Pita Sharples.

“When we think of Sir Ed, we have the utmost respect for someone who truly represents the categories of hero, leader, champion – our own homegrown superman” said Dr Sharples.

“Yet despite having conquered the highest mountain on earth, Sir Ed has always inspired respect through his consistent kindness and humility”.

Sir Edmund’s climbing conquest of Mt Everest (also known as Chomolungma or Quomolangma in Tibetan or Sagarmatha in Nepalese) has become a special symbol of the New Zealand character says Dr Sharples.

“In many ways, Sir Ed has played a pivotal role in shaping the New Zealand identity on the world stage” said Dr Sharples.

“His distinctive leadership, his unique vision, his driving determination to succeed has been an enormous source of motivation to this nation – and indeed the world” said Dr Sharples.

“He has made a huge imprint on the national psyche – setting his sights on the highest mountain and fully preparing to meet every challenge to achieve his dream” said Dr Sharples.

“That he persevered with his vision, despite the tragic deaths of his first wife and daughter in a plane crash, also represents the outstanding bravery he is known for”.

“Sir Ed will also be remembered with great affection throughout the world for his aspirations to make a practical difference in the lives of people”.

“His legacy in Nepal will carry on through the work of the Himalayan Trust in which he initiated the building of schools, hospitals, bridges”.

“I hope that we can all reflect on his remarkable life and take courage in being able to strive for success in whatever field we aspire to”.

“We share with Lady Hillary and the wider Hillary family, the sorrow of losing an extraordinary man who would want to be remembered most as an ‘ordinary New Zealander’”

“When we think of Sir Ed, a well loved whakatauaki will always come to mind:

Whaia e koe ki te iti kahurangi, ki te tuohu koe, me maunga teitei

Seek the treasures you hold most dearly,

if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain.