Ministry of Health Accused of Cover-Up Over Vaccine Deaths

Monday 4 December 2023, 11:37AM

By Expert Briefing


New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) has responded to the Ministry of Health (MoH) data release, following a data leak by a whistleblower that suggested the government was aware of excessive deaths occurring among those who had received the Covid-19 vaccine.

In its response, NZDSOS criticised the MoH for its denial of the issue, instead of addressing the concerns raised. It also highlighted the lack of transparency regarding the data, which it described as "selectively released," and called for the immediate release of the raw data to independent analysts.

The organisation reiterated its position that the mRNA vaccines are unsafe and ineffective, and expressed disappointment that the MoH had not engaged with its requests to analyse death and vaccine data since 2021.

Finally, it called for a police investigation into the data leak, and urged the police to also investigate the MoH for possible crimes committed under the Public Health Act, arguing that if the data is genuine, it indicates that officials were aware of the dangers associated with the vaccine but failed to act.