Call for Better Guidance, Regulation to Protect Children's Digital Privacy

Wednesday 17 April 2024, 1:34PM

By Expert Briefing


A new survey by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner in New Zealand has highlighted major concerns about children's privacy risks, particularly around social media use.

The key findings were:

  1. Social media poses significant privacy threats to children that require guidance and regulation to manage.
  2. More guidance is needed to help parents, professionals and children understand privacy risks.
  3. Potential regulatory changes like a "right to be forgotten", considering the child's best interests, or a code of practice could better protect kids' privacy.

Privacy Commissioner Michael Webster warned that children may not appreciate the long-term implications of their digital footprint.

Risks include oversharing personal/financial information, location tracking, and parents posting children's content without consent.

The survey indicated needs for parental guidance, early privacy education, transparency from organizations, higher penalties for breaches, and awareness about posting children's images online.

The findings will help determine if new or expanded regulations are required to support children's privacy rights in New Zealand.

A summary is available on the Office's website.