Bushrangers team for Test Match

Monday 14 January 2008, 1:14PM

By Simon Addison


Australia will field a team mixed with great experience and youthful enthusiasm next month for the Bushrangers/Pinestars test match. The Waitangi Carnival has grown to 9 events and is organised by a small group of NZ's elites and local clubs.

The Australia Bushrangers team is-
Jo Allison
Anna Sheldon
Jasmine Neve
Mace Neve
Rachel Effeney
Bridget Anderson

David Shepherd
Simon Uppill
Kerrin Rattray
Matt Parton
Bryan Keely
Oliver Mitchell

Five athletes in the team will make their debut for the Bushrangers. Matt Parton has shown great improvement and had a fantastic Oceania carnival in Canberra last October. Bryan (VIC) and Oliver (QLD) have been training hard for JWOC 2008 in Sweden. Rachel and Bridget raced JWOC 2007 in Dubbo, and if you haven't seen their television appearence on scope TV check it out here.

David Shepherd will continue the coaching duties that he successfully took over during the 2007 Oceania Carnival.