Agsafe Weekly Rural Report

Media PA

Wednesday 18 September 2024, 7:21AM

By Media PA


Finance:  The NZ dollar remained steady over the week.  We are receiving information of lower interest rates which is good news!!   Brent Crude has dropped and is around $US72/barrel and is at a level that should see some easing of fuel prices.

Wool:  Wool prices remain in the doldrums.   

Beef, Sheep & Venison schedules: The meat schedules are steady.  There is good demand for red meats from all our trading partners but it has not yet been converted into increases in the schedules. Lamb prices are still too low.

Dairy Prices.  Most dairy production is up on the same time last year and farmers are feeling confident of a good season with a decent payment.  China is at odds with Europe over some branding & supply issues which will hopefully benefit the NZ dairy industry.