Justice for Greyhounds - SAFE celebrates greyhound racing ban
Animal rights organisation SAFE is elated with the Government's announcement today that it will ban greyhound racing in New Zealand.
"Today marks the end of an era of exploitation," says Campaign Manager Emma Brodie.
"We are relieved the Government is finally bringing an end to a practice responsible for the prolonged suffering of thousands of dogs."
"Greyhounds will finally have the opportunity to live a life full of love, comfort, and safety."
The Deputy Prime Minister Rt Hon Winston Peters, who also serves as Racing Minister, announced today that greyhound racing in New Zealand will be banned after a 20-month phase-out period.
SAFE believes this outcome reflects a growing recognition that New Zealanders won’t stand for cruelty disguised as entertainment.
"This victory belongs to everyone who has campaigned for better lives for greyhounds," says Brodie. "The phase-out is a testament to the power of collective action and compassion."
"Moving forward, the Government must now ensure a smooth transition for greyhounds, supporting their rehabilitation and rehoming into permanent loving homes where they belong," says Brodie.
Minister Peters also introduced the Racing Industry (Unlawful Destruction of Specified Greyhounds) Amendment Bill, to be passed under urgency. The bill will prevent the unnecessary killing of dogs during the transition period.
"SAFE welcomes this critical measure to protect greyhounds from unnecessary death during this phase-out period. We remain committed to working with our partner organisations to assist with the smooth transition for greyhounds into ," says Brodie.
"This is a truly historic day for animal rights in Aotearoa. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who stood with us in the campaign to end greyhound racing. Together, we have achieved a monumental step forward for animals."