BEC welcomes hydrogen plan for clean fuel economy

The BusinessNZ Energy Council (BEC) welcomes the Government's release of a low-emission hydrogen plan.
Executive Director Tina Schirr says the plan highlights the transformative potential of clean hydrogen within our wider energy system.
"Hydrogen is known for being a versatile and clean energy carrier and holds the promise for cleaner fuels in aviation, shipping, heavy transport and industry.
"A stronger clean hydrogen-based economy can make a significant impact on energy storage and facilitate further development of renewable generation projects. Hydrogen can also foster more resilient and sustainable energy infrastructure.
"In addition to its domestic benefits, clean hydrogen opens up substantial export opportunities for New Zealand, with the chance to trade green products derived from hydrogen on the international stage.
"The Government’s vision is very much in line with the work BEC has done under the World Energy Council's umbrella - regarding insights on hydrogen's role in energy transition, and the potential for global trade flows of hydrogen and hydrogen-based fuels.
"The action plan, which aims to reduce regulatory barriers and promote international investment, marks a good step forward in realising this vision."