Ocean Beach private plan change notified

Wednesday 16 January 2008, 11:55AM

By Hastings District Council



The public will have an opportunity to present their thoughts by way of a submission on the Ocean
Beach private plan change applied for by Hill Country Pastoral Ltd.

The plan change is being notified on Saturday 19 January in Hawke’s Bay Today. Letters will be
sent to a number of interested parties this week.

Ian Macdonald, Hastings District Council’s Environmental Manager, said this was an excellent
opportunity for the public to share their views on the proposed plan change.

“We want to hear people’s opinions as part of this regulatory process. This is a significant site
which a lot of people feel they have a strong attachment to. If people feel that way they should
make their thoughts known through this submissions process,” said Mr Macdonald.

The Hastings District Council is processing the application for a private plan change as required
under the Resource Management Act 1991. The next step in the process is to receive any
submissions which will in turn go to an independent hearing.

The application made by Hill Country Pastoral Ltd in late May 2007 proposes up to 1000 dwellings
with associated commercial development in the Ocean Beach area.

The Council is using planning consultants Montgomery Watson Harza to prepare the report on any
submissions and make recommendations to independent commissioners who will then make the
final decision on the merits or otherwise of the application.

The submission period closes on Friday 29 February.