Agsafe Weekly Rural Report

Media PA

Sunday 16 February 2025, 9:03PM

By Media PA


Finance: The NZ dollar finished the week on a par with the previous but remains weak against the US dollar. Brent Crude is steady at $74.74/barrel. The world markets are struggling to understand or anticipate Trumps next move.

Wool: Wool prices remain in the doldrums.

Beef, Sheep & Venison schedules: Meat schedules are up across the board reflecting the lower dollar and the increased demand for red meats. Venison prices are good, lamb and beef schedules are OK.

Dairy Prices. The dairy futures are strong and the banks are coming out with expected payments for next season. Westpac has predicted $10.30 for this season & $10 for next season. The $10 payout is good, but not very good!!

You can hear us live on the radio on Monday morning at 7.35 am with Brian Kelly on Country Sport Breakfast – Radio NZ Gold AM. 792 AM in the Waikato & 1332 AM in Auckland.

Jim’s Weekly Rant:

This feels like a sequel to last weeks rant where the attack was on the climate change minister Simon Watts. The governments performance was reflected in the polls last week and reading many of the posts and articles about Simon Watts it is a wonder the coalition even go onto the “leader-board”. However, I cannot believe that the Greens have 13% support so perhaps the poll was just an apparition!! The level of frustration and dissatisfaction with the government, and particularly with Simon Watts, has again seen calls for a new famers party to emerge as the anger grows around the climate targets and how it will destroy agriculture and our economy. Simon Watts must be the most unpopular minister in government. It is very clear that the government is not “reading the room” and they are hell-bent on following their own mantra that it is all about the economy. The frustration of the people goes beyond the economy, which is in a terrible state, especially when we look at the Treasury Half-Year report published on Thursday where Crown debt is 44.1% of GDP and is getting worse. The frustration in the community is multi-faceted and has been made worse as we watch the USA use executive orders to kick-start their nation while our government is still about making announcements to announce something. The USA has already dumped the WHO and the Paris Accord, both contentious issues here. One of the major issues in NZ is most certainly around the growing race-relations and the tension that is becoming evident in society. I experienced it last weekend at Briscoes when looking at the comparison between 2 of their “sale” items – a Māori guy with braded dreadlocks walked down a parallel aisle – he hissed at me and said “£$%* Whitey”. I looked up and he glared at me. I have no idea who he was or is. Is this what our community is coming to? We have a government that is oblivious to what is wrecking our society and Luxon is failing to understand the effect the racial tension is having on the country. The economy and the economic conditions are being overshadowed by the push by the Māori radicles to bust the social fabric of our country apart. Luxon and the National party don't want to accept it as being the major issue at the moment and keep saying it is all about the economy. Well, it is isn’t. The economy is of concern but so is the social fabric of our country where treason-like mantra’s are the norm from a radicle few and the rural sector feels betrayed with the country following a false doctrine that will jeopardize the survival of our major export industry leaving it hanging in a balance while they try and meet unrealistic targets imposed by the IPCC. The coalition governments support will continue to fall until they better understand the issues that concern the people. We don’t need a farmers/rural party, we just need the existing coalition to listen to their supporters and not allow The Māori Party to promote treasonous policies of separate governance. We need to dump dumb ministers like Simon Watts and encourage the rural sector to become more productive with less regulation. It has been interesting watching the UK farmers protest the UK inheritance tax with massive tractor blockages across the country. Perhaps Groundswell needs to become more active again and as individuals we all need to ensure our voice is heard – tell your local MP!!