Dunedin water bills doubling 'a result of years of underinvestment'
Dunedin City Council argues local water bills doubling ‘inevitable’ over the next 10-years as they seek consultation on a replacement for its Three Waters department.
“What we’re seeing is the result of years of underinvestment in local water infrastructure” said Sam Warren, Local Government Campaigns Manager for the Taxpayers’ Union.
“Paying more than $4,200 a year on water – even after adjusting for 10-years of inflation – doesn’t seem at all acceptable for Dunedin ratepayers.”
“Councils long-ago have taken their eye of their core responsibilities; pipes, roads and rubbish. Doing too many other things and neglecting critical infrastructure is exactly why councils up and down the country are in this position.”
“Now, quite predictably, it’s the ratepayer copping the backlog of poor planning decisions and years of underinvestment. Better asset management and stronger focus are desperately needed in councils to mitigate these absurdly expensive blowouts.”
“Council must stop spending on all ‘nice-to-haves’ and mayoral vanity projects to reduce the impact on ratepayers. Is Council capable of exercising financial discipline?”