Maharey must bite the bullet on digital TV

Infonews Editor

Wednesday 2 May 2007, 7:07PM

By Infonews Editor


Steve Maharey has to take responsibility for making sure digital TV is a success, and announce a date to switch off the analogue signal, says National Party Broadcasting spokesman Jonathan Coleman.

"National supports digital television for a whole raft of reasons.

"However it is clear that in order for it to be a success, two things are needed: compelling content that will pull audiences over to the digital platform, and a date for switch off of the analogue signal.

"The business case for digital TV prepared for the Ministry of Culture and Heritage by Spectrum Strategy Consultants was quite specific about these two aspects.

"As the Minister of Broadcasting, Mr Maharey needs to show the leadership required.

"He needs to tell us the date that the analogue signal will be switched off, so that the broadcasting industry can embrace digital TV with confidence, and so that the public can rest assured that their money is being well spent on this project."