Omahu Road upgrade moves to next stage

Wednesday 23 January 2008, 12:18PM

By Hastings District Council



Consultation on the Omahu Road corridor upgrade has been completed and the detailed design for Stage 1 is scheduled to be completed by February 2008. Hastings District Council has prepared a brief newsletter which details progress on the project. It is available online at or from Council’s main reception.

Subject to Land Transport New Zealand funding approval, construction is planned to start in autumn 2008 and will run for a period of nine months.

In August 2007 Hastings District Council opened its public consultation on the Omahu Road corridor upgrade proposal. The proposed roading upgrade will extend for four kilometres and the plans include road reconstruction, footpath works, street lighting, improved cycle lanes and intersection improvements. Landscaping will be incorporated into the design at intervals along the corridor.

Matthew Rodwell who is project managing the corridor upgrade for Hastings District Council said that over the last four months the project team has been seeking feedback on the proposal and carrying out further engineering investigations to address issues that have been raised through the consultation process.

“We’ve received a lot of feedback and we would like to thank all those who have contributed to this process for their constructive and useful comments,” said Mr Rodwell.

Mr. Rodwell, said that the project is still running to schedule with detailed design currently underway for Stage 1 of the upgrade from the Stortford Lodge Roundabout to Wilson Road.

During the consultation process, a public open day was held on the 5th of September at Bay Espresso on Omahu Road to present the scheme and provide further explanation of the working proposal. Individual consultation has also taken place with key interest groups including schools, bus companies, Transit New Zealand, the Regional Council, the Hospital, Te Taiwhenua o Heretuanga, local Iwi and utility providers.